I've been really emotional recently about my kids getting older. Has nothing to do with listening to Taylor Swift's "Never Grow Up" and "Ronan" all the time... It has made me much more sentimental than I've ever been about silly things like a onsie or certain toys. So I'm trying to combat the feelings of time passing so quickly with keeping better records of the moments I love.
So this will be a quick blog of small things I don't want to forget about everyone's current stage:
Cami: Well she doesn't do much. But there are a few things I love. I love when I tell her we're going to be best friends forever she just smiles at me. A huge grin! I also can get her to grin whenever I start singing. I love that. I love her dark hair. I hope it stays dark, just like mine. Right now she's balding. Mostly on one side which I for some reason find so funny.
Hunter: Everyday it seems Hunter is doing something new and awesome. I love his sweet voice when he says things like "Mom" and "Apple." The other day I was trying to get him to stay in his bed, trying to show I was very serious about this and said, "Hunter, one!" In his sweet voice he said, "Two!" Of course I grabbed him out of bed for a big hug and cuddle. Too sweet. His new thing is "No!" I love this too for now. He shakes his head when he says it. Right now the only thing he says no to is when I say, "Do you want to go to your crib?" This is timeout area now that he's in his toddler bed. So that's okay.
Hunter also LOVES to dance. Anytime he hears music he starts bopping to the beat. We were grocery shopping last week. I put him in a hiking backpack we have as he won't sit still in a cart right now. He heard a song on the over speaker and started bouncing in the backpack drawing lots of attention. He's too cute.
Spencer: Spencer is working super hard at his new job. I poked fun at him a little the first few weeks as he wanted to talk about work CONSTANTLY. One night when I was sitting up in bed feeding Cami at like 3 am. He sits up straight and asks, "What controls do you think I need to put in place around the accounts payable process?" I told him to go back to bed. The job chattiness has calmed down to where I have to ask questions now. :)
Spencer is such a good dad. He's so patient with the kids. Especially when compared to me. Some nights when Cami starts to cry I kind of just kick my legs in frustration and he'll get up and hold her for a while until I am awake enough to feed her. He'll ask me in the morning if I remember this. Nope. He also plays with Hunter so well. They dance together often and Spencer will put him in the backpack when he needs to get things done around the house and can't entertain him. Spencer can always be counted on to take care of the kids when I need a nap or want to go garage saling, alone.
I get sad when I have to pack away baby clothes but at the same time get to pull out new bigger clothes. I am so grateful for our past times, but even more excited for the things to come.