Friday, December 28, 2012

Playing Together

I love it when Hunter interacts with Cami. Sometimes he does well.

Sometimes he doesn't.

Some recent successes: Hunter sometimes will walk up to Cami and pretend to give her a sip out of his empty cup. Today he pulled her play mat out from behind the Christmas tree and set it up. He then tried to push her across the wood floors to get on it. After I helped, they both played on the mat with Hunter mimicking her every move. He also loves to play in her excersaucer with her. I have to keep an eye out because he will crawl very carefully on top of her and try to slip in the seat behind her, which usually means sitting on top of her. For some reason, she never makes a peep when this happens. Today I found him trying to "duck tickle" her which involves quacking while tickling someone else. I really need to take more pics of them together. I've learned that if I don't force him to play with her, he will play nicely when he feels like it.

I'll save the stories of them not playing as nicely for another day.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Haha, what a riot.